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Timely Decaf (GREEN)

Timely Decaf (GREEN)

Surprising + Delicious

By purchasing this product, you are ordering green coffee beans. Only order this product if you are planning on roasting this coffee yourself.

To view our current range of roasted coffees, click here.

Regular price $25.00
Regular price Sale price $25.00
⭐️ ON SALE ⭐️ Sold out
Includes GST when applicable.

Tasting Notes

Surprising + Delicious


This coffee was produced by 7 producers across 4 municipalities in Colombia; Don Gabriel Castana, Jeferson Castaño Motta, Duverney Sanchez, Luis Alberto Jojoa, Carlos Guamanga, Miller Walles, and Jose Olmedo Sanchez. The coffee was decaffeinated using a direct-solvent process, which involves repeatedly rinsing the coffee in ethyl acetate to remove the caffeine from the beans.

Technical Details

Producers: Don Gabriel Castana, Jeferson Castaño Motta, Duverney Sanchez, Luis Alberto Jojoa, Carlos Guamanga, Miller Walles, and Jose Olmedo Sanchez

Variety: Castillo

Municipalities: Acevedo, Páez, Paicol, Pitalito

Country: Colombia
Fermentation: Fermented with fruit intact for 12-48 hours.

Drying: Dried for 12-30 days.


Origin Coffee Traders

This Coffee Plants Trees

When you buy this product, mangrove trees are planted on your behalf in either Madagascar, Mozambique, or Kenya. This gives crucial income to local villagers so they can provide for their families.

Mangrove forests are essential coastal ecosystems. They store four times as much carbon as even tropical rainforest, making them an important tool to mitigate climate change.

The trees are planted by Eden Reforestation Projects.

Shipping & Returns

Australia-wide Shipping

    We offer standard Parcel Post and Express Post and free collection from the Timely Coffee Shop in Bayswater, WA. For current delivery times, check Australia Post.

          We ship Australia-wide. Prices from our carrier are automatically calculated at the checkout and added to your order total.

          Please note: coffee subscriptions are only available as standard Parcel Post.

          International Orders

          Prices from our carrier are automatically calculated at the checkout and added to your order total.

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          More Green Coffee

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          A Tree Planted for Every Bag of Coffee Sold



          pledged to be planted by our partners


          kg of CO₂

          removed by our tree pledges annually