Seb: Hello and welcome to Timely. My name is Seb. I'm one of the co-founders here and this is a video series we use to answer the questions that you send in to us about coffee. So if you ever have any questions, you can always send them straight to me. At Seb at Timely Coffees you and I will get around to everyone's questions in a video coming out very soon. So today's question comes from Tristan. And Tristan asks, If I buy Timely Coffees, what should my espresso recipe be at home? So you might have noticed that with Timely, we actually don't give out very many brew guides or brew recipes in general. So we give out a few hints and a few a few pointers, really. But in general, we don't give any really detailed, prescriptive recipes. And the reason for that is because not only is communicating a coffee recipe really challenging, but also on top of that, we really want to encourage everyone to be exploring the coffees that they get from timely and bring them in a way that really tastes delicious to them. So even if it was possible for us to say we really love this coffee at a certain grind size and a certain water temperature at a certain time, even though being able to say that would ignore the fact that your grinder may grind coffee to a different exact size and a different shape to mine.

Seb: Even though you're using the exact same water temperature, that water might be made of different things, whether or not using the exact same age of coffee. There's a lot of other variables that are really hard for us to get across. But even if we were able to do that, and even if you were able to replicate that exact recipe that we'd recommended, there's no saying that that's going to be your ideal way of brewing our coffee. So what we really want to do is make it so that you can brew the best coffee that you want. So, you know, maybe sometimes we would have pretty basic recipes for some of our espressos and maybe some of our filter. You know, we have a pretty, pretty broad starting point, but we really want you to be able to taste the coffee, brew it, and then taste it and then think to yourself, you know, is this really what I want out of this coffee or do I want something more? Do I want this coffee to be sweeter or do I want this coffee to be more bitter? Or do I want it to be stronger or weaker? And if you just focus on these small changes, then you can actually have a really big impact on the coffee that you're drinking. Seb: So we're actually releasing our first timely mini brew guide in the next few days. And so this is going to be something that you can pick up off the online store for free. And this is going to be a really simple way of being able to dial in your coffee exactly. To your liking. So it's going to have some really, really simple instructions on it on how to change coffee so that it becomes sweeter, it becomes stronger or weaker or more bitter or brighter. Everything that you can do to get it exactly where you need it. So the brew guide as well is going to have you know, it's going to have tips for if you grind your own coffee or if you need to buy pre ground coffee, which is also totally fine. And you can also change a few things to get really great results out of that as well. And this is going to be a really simple way of being able to make the coffee. Exactly. You want. On top of that, we're also going to share a link to our more detailed brew guide that we've got online as well.

Seb: And this is a really more in-depth way to look at exactly what the variables you're changing will affect your coffee brewing. So instead of putting out brew guides, we're going to put out resources so that you can actually get the most out of your coffee exactly how you want it. If you come in and ask us, you know, if you send me an email, I might give you, you know, a little bit of a tip on exactly how we're bringing it here at the coffee shop. But it's never going to be something that we put out a brew guide as a prescriptive instruction on how you should be making your coffee. Instead, like I said, it's going to be resources so that you can actually tailor the coffee to get it exactly how you think. It's most delicious. So that's a bit about brew guides and espresso at timeline. Thank you very much, Trystan, for your for your question. If you've got any more anyone's got any questions about coffee, you send me an email at SIB at Timely Coffees. Doesn't matter if it's big or small, just send them through and I'll get to them very soon. Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next time.

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