Seb: Hello Seb from Timely with a quick update about a few things that you might not yet be aware of about what we do here at the Roastery. So one of the things that we're trying to do is always looking at new ways that we can reduce our our footprint, our carbon footprint and our waste. And a few of the things that we've started to implement is reusing as many of the materials that we have here at the roastery as possible. So this means that when you receive your orders, you might notice that they have this green label on the boxes from now on. And this just says that this box has lived many lives and that you should consider recycling or reusing it. So this is a way for us to explain to you that even though the boxes are going to look a little bit different, there's a good reason for that. And the idea is that we want to make sure that everything that comes into the roastery is really getting used to its fullest potential before being discarded. So we're also looking at ways that we can reuse our our plastic bags at the coffee comes in and all of our hessian bags as well are donated or people come and pick them up to be recycled. So everything that we can do, we're trying to find new ways to give everything that we have another life. So this just helps to try and reduce our waste, reduce our footprint, but also just make the most of the materials and the resources that we have. So if you notice that the boxes look a bit different, that's a really good thing. And that was just a quick update about what we've got happening at the Roastery, and I'll see you next time. Few things you might not have been aware of here, of what we've pulled, of what we. A few things that you might not be aware of. The roastery. The roastery. Wanted to talk today about how we're kind of trying to kind of challenge. What kind of a kind of.