Seb: Hello and welcome to you, Ask Timely. My name is Seb. I'm one of the co-founders here and this is a video series we use to answer the questions you send in to us about all things related to coffee. Sometimes the big questions, sometimes they're small. But no matter what it is, we always answer every single one whenever we can. So this one is a little bit different because this is actually a video based on some feedback we received from someone who tried our coffee. And it's not so much a question, but it's just what they had to share about their experience with Timely. So a couple of weeks ago I received an email from Andre, and Andre left one line that said, This coffee is horrible. And this kind of made me think a lot about not only what we do at times, but also how we respond to feedback and also the role that our customers play in how we're going to be deciding who we want to be as a company and as a coffee roastery moving forward. So firstly, to Andre and to people that don't like our coffee, that is totally fine. Now. Coffee is not for everyone. Our coffee is for people who really want to be involved in something that we want to put out to the world. We love to represent coffee the way that we think is responsible and meaningful, and we want to roast it in a way that we think is delicious and easy to use.
Seb: But these things are not going to be for everyone, and that's totally okay. If every single person came to Timely and tried our coffee and what we're doing and loved it. That would be really weird. So this is actually totally fine. And we actually really encourage people to share this feedback with us. If there's something that you don't like, then that's okay. We want to hear about it. We can't say that we'll change. We'll always hear what you have to say and we'll take some things on board. Maybe if it's in line with our values and kind of what we want to be doing as a company and as a coffee roastery. But just because it's something negative, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't feel like you can talk to us and tell us how you're feeling. These things are important and your opinion is valid. And just in the same way that our choice to either change or not change based on your feedback is also totally valid. So I just want to say thank you to those people that, you know, do give us a try. And regardless of kind of how that experience goes for you, the important thing is that you try timely. You try to, you know, feel and see what we're about and you try something new and try something different.
Seb: And as a part of that, you know, there's going to be a lot of people that try us out and really love it. And it's going to be some people that try us out and really don't like it. And like I said, that's totally fine. So thank you to everyone for trying Timely, not just the people that love us. I mean, thank you as well, but thank you as well to those that give us a go and and don't really like what we're about. We're fine with this. And the most important thing is that you feel comfortable sharing your feedback with us. So we actually wrote an article about this not long ago saying Timely is for you, so we're going to repost this article as well. And this talks a lot about exactly what I've been kind of speaking about today. It's about the fact that Timely is not for everyone and Timely is for a certain set of people, and we're really proud of that and we're going to continue to do that. So if you have any feedback for us, negative or positive is also great and send it through to us. You can also send me any questions you've got. You can send them to Cerb at Timely Coffees dot com, don't you? And I'll get to them in a video coming out very soon. Thanks very much and see you next week.