Giorgia: Hi, everyone. Giorgia here from Timely with a quick update for feature coffee subscribers. If you're subscribed with us, you'll be receiving coffee from Jean Vilhena this week. Now, this coffee was grown in the state of Minas Gerais in the country of Brazil, and Jean grows coffee on his farm, Santa Monica, in this area. And the farm is largely populated with Red Catuaí 99. That is the name of the coffee variety that's planted there. And I want to talk a little bit about Catuaí variety coffee today, because I don't think we've mentioned it in a video format before, but you might have noticed that on a few other coffee packets that we have had Catuaí way before many times. So I just thought I'd mention it. So Catuaí, the plant, the coffee tree is a hybrid plant, so it's a cross between Caturra variety and Mundo Novo variety, which is they're both different coffee varieties. Catuaí was not introduced into Brazil until the 1970s, and since then it sort of spread throughout Central and South America. And it's a very popular coffee variety today. And it's popular because it's very high yielding and it's also very small and it's stature and shape. So quite often you can plant almost double the amount of Catuaí trees than you could for something like Bourbon or Caturra or Mundo Novo. The plant is also very quick to fruit. So from seedling to full maturity, it only takes three years before it starts fruiting.

Giorgia: Some plants take up to five years. So that's one of the some of the many benefits for a Catuaí variety trees. It's also very receptive to fertilising and to plant maintenance and to pruning. So it makes it a very easy plant to sort of manage on a large scale. So it's good for like large scale production. On the roasting side of things; the seeds themselves, the coffee beans are not tiny, but they're quite small and they're very consistently sized. So we find that it's a very easy variety to roast. So that's a bit about Catuaí variety coffee? We assigned the colour maroon to this coffee so we think that that means the coffee has got a bit of a fancy kind of flavour to it. So you might notice notes of blood orange or maybe nougat and sort of like a vanilla sweetness to this coffee. So it's sort of like a special kind of coffee that you don't drink every day. But when you do drink it, it's very memorable. So yeah, that's all I've got for this week about this coffee. And I'll see you next time. Thanks very much, folks. Hi, everyone. Giorgia here from get wrecked. Hi everyone Giorgia here from coffee. You actually need to stop. Expecting the coffee subscription. Hello world. And the farm itself is populated with. Oh, I got distracted because I can see Sara. And cut. Thrive. Coffee is. Oh, no.

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