[Music]Hello Seb here from Timely with a quick update on the feature coffee of the week this is the Cerro San Luis Micro Mill from Costa Rica so this coffee is a really great opportunity to talk about kind of coffee processing and some of the uh the coffee terminology that can be a little bit confusing for people even people who work full-time in the industry. It's you know sometimes a little bit of a minefield trying to figure out what's going on. So with this coffee you'll notice on the back it says here "described by the producers as yellow honey". So what that means is that's a way of describing the process how they actually remove the fruit from the seed so they can prepare the coffee for export.
The problem is that obviously being called something like honey or yellow honey it makes us feel or makes us think that there was probably honey used in some way in the process but this is definitely not the case. For people who've been watching these videos for a while you might know that there's other terminology like natural and washed and semi-washed and pulped and honey and all these other things but they all describe in some way how they've removed the fruit from the seed, and at what point they've used fermentation, the degree of fermentation, the type the style of fermentation; all these things but they're all used to describe just removing fruit from the seed. So when you look at this coffee and it says honey process this is usually some sort of combination of like a traditional natural and a traditional washed method, so they've left a little bit of the fruit on the seed as they're drying it before they remove it. There's been no honey used at all in the processing of this coffee, I can absolutely promise you that.
But it's really important to know that a lot of the coffees that are described maybe as honey would be maybe a similar process to maybe like a pulped natural or a semi-washed or something from another part of the world different countries will call similar processes different things this is kind of based on kind of where the industry is at in that particular country. But it's just really important to look at the actual details we share on the back so kind of how they're fermenting the coffee how they're drying the coffee these things are going to be better indicators of how the coffee is going to really taste to you as well so if you can always have a look at the other details that we include here other than what we just say that the producer describes it as because what the producer says is also really important but we think that it's really great to be able to share as much information as we can.
This coffee is a nice kind of teal label which means that it's kind of a round flavor profile really. It's evident in the sweetness and ody balance so you'll kind of see that as you drink the coffee throughout the week then it's going to be you know really nice and rich and really balanced so we hope you enjoy it. Can't wait to hear what you think and that's all I've got for this week, thanks very much.
Quick update for our feature copy subscriber copy subscribers the week this one is the Cerro. Oh God
Choking. Choking on air. Tom Waits. Hey.