Giorgia: Hi, everyone. Giorgia here from Timely with a quick update about the feature coffee we've got for subscribers this week. If you subscribe with us, the coffee you're going to be receiving is from Atsabe Subdistrict. Now you might notice that we have a coffee of the exact same name that is currently live on the online store and it was the feature coffee a couple of weeks ago, but that coffee was actually yellow. This one we've assigned the colour maroon to. Now the coffee sort of comes from the same area in Timor-Leste, which is why it's named the same and partly processed at the same mills. But the main difference between these two coffees is that this coffee was processed with the fruit intact. So during the fermentation process, which we sometimes in the industry is like the loose term for that is a "natural" process, during fermentation, instead of the fruit being removed from the seed, the fruit stayed attached to the seed. So this process of fermentation can yield different cup characteristics. And in this instance we think it sort of tastes like a dark chocolate nutmeg, pinot noir kind of sort of flavour experience in the cup. And this is very different from the yellow Atsabe Subdistrict, which is a bit sweeter and a bit brighter. So yeah, we think it's cool to be able to taste coffees that are from the same area but are processed very differently and it doesn't happen very often. So this is a good chance to sort of be able to taste them side by side and sort of see what you notice in terms of cup differences. If there are any differences, what you like about them, what you don't like about them, and yet it's just like a really cool thing to be able to do. So if you're a subscriber, this is a coffee you're going to be receiving this week. That's all I got and I'll see you next week. Thanks, everyone. Nor are you, are you? Hi, folks. Giorgia. Giorgia here. Giorgia here from Timely with a quick, quick, quick, quick. Giorgia: Why do I. Oh, I almost had it. Couple qualities. Cup qualities?