It won't surprise you to hear that we love our packaging. At Timely, how our coffee is presented is just as important to us as how it tastes. Not only does having great packaging make sure that all our coffees look as good as possible when you take them home, but by having considered, functional packaging, we can be sure that the information we are trying to communicate is done so as completely as possible.

However, we also recognise that Timely has some of the most detailed coffee packaging you're likely to see. Everything from the box, to the label, to the bag, have all been chosen or designed to create the ultimate experience for our customers. Except, we know this is not always the case. There are some customers who have purchased coffee from us literally hundreds of times, and for these people, receiving their coffee in a bag in a box every week is (maybe) not ideal. So, we've released a new packaging option, known as "Minimal Impact Packaging". Coffees chosen in this style of packaging will arrive without the iconic Timely box. They will arrive in a 100% compostable white coffee bag with the coffee origin and details listed on the front, and roast date on the back. These coffees will also be available at 10% cheaper than otherwise available. The purpose of this is to create an option for those people who either don't need the full Timely packaging every time, or for those who maybe buy their coffee, then empty it straight into a hopper or container as soon as they get home. 

We'll always have the beautiful Timely packaging, with our values and branding front and centre. And if you buy coffee every week, and want to continue to receive the Timely original packaging, then you should keep doing so! But, if you're after something a little more minimal, then this new option might be a great solution for you.

As always, we encourage you to keep doing what best suits you and your needs.

Love Timely xx

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