It's always exciting for us here at Timely when new coffees arrive. Sometimes it's a particularly delicious coffee, sometimes it's a coffee with a great story, but no matter what, there's always a certain buzz throughout the roastery as new green rolls through the door. As coffee is a seasonal product, no one lot can last all year round, which means we're always on the lookout for the next, freshest, most delicious coffees to bring to Perth!
As the year rolls on, and the coffee seasons change, some of our old favourites come to an end, and we welcome brand new lots. This time, we have some big changes. Our trusty house coffee "La Plata" has come to an end, but we've replaced it with (is it even possible?!) an even better lot. La Marianela is a farm from the Cauca department in Colombia. This part of the world is famous for great, balanced coffee, and with forward thinking agronomist Hernan Dorronsoro in charge, this coffee is one you won't want to miss. On top of that, new Costa Rican's have arrived, as well as fresh Brazils, our natural (dry processed) Ethiopians have finally landed, as well as some of the most interesting Africans of the year!