NAIDOC week is an opportunity to reflect and make plans. Through the lens of each year's theme, we take a fresh view of our actions and impact, and imagine a legacy we want to leave, and not one we leave by accident. With this in mind, Timely will be donating $1000 to Seed, Australia's first Indigenous youth climate network:
"We are building a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. Our vision is for a just and sustainable future with strong cultures and communities, powered by renewable energy. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, but we also know it is an opportunity to create a more just and sustainable world."
July 4 to July 11 is NAIDOC 2021: Heal Country. This year's theme explores how Country (with a capital "C") is represented in the lives and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; how "it sustains our lives in every aspect - spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally" to how "through our languages and songs, we speak to Country ... and Country speaks to us".
Heal Country speaks to how it is all our duty to take responsibility for our place in the modern Australian landscape, and the environmental impact we have on Country as a result. At Timely, we are deeply focused on how our actions leave lasting impressions on the world around us. It's for these reasons that we first achieved carbon neutrality, and why we print an Acknowledgement of Country on every box of coffee we send out. But we also understand that there is still more to be done.
At Timely, we work hard to live up to our value of responsibility. We know that our contribution may be small compared to what others are capable of doing. But we also know that this is one step of many toward realising a fairer world and fairer Australia. "The right to protect Country and culture is fundamental", and we are determined to play our part in making this a reality.